On a wooded hill, where the path has split, and the audience must enter another gate, a shape one and a half meters wide and fifteen meters long can be seen, enclosing a small mound, a tumulus, which in itself looks like a monument of the past.
In the beginning, the mound was covered with moss, and TICKONS Friends regularly try to replant with suitable moss species, but when the park's sheep and deer forage and when playful children like to storm the little tuber, it is unfortunately mostly bare.
The French artist, Dominique Bailly, is inspired in his work by the enigmatic traces that the Stone Age has left for us. The megalithic constructions... the stone monuments placed in the past... the artist perceives as a kind of call from our ancestors: "They demonstrate a first example of a possible relationship between a world of simple, yet man-made forms within the framework of the landscape...".
Since there are many Stone Age monuments precisely on Langeland, it was natural for Dominique Bally to continue this line of thought and create his work, his installation, with a defined stone setting, which means that the line around the moss mound defines both the sculptural zone and the sculpture itself like a place – a space in the middle of the trees.

Artist: Dominique Bailly
Year: 1995
Dominique Bailly, born in Paris 1949, lives and works in Limousin. Began as a textile artist, weaver, but in her interest in natural materials, her works gradually became more and more sculptural: lines and spirals with stones and tree trunks and cut boxwood balls.