(For periods thereafter, construction continued, but the work has now completely collapsed and been swallowed up by nature)
The children's TICKON favorite was certainly Lars Vilk's wildly growing construction, Textus, which, like a giant playhouse on acid, constantly pushed new extensions out to the side or up in chaotic asymmetry. A jumble of planks and branches that put the imagination into charitable overtime.
And that is the very essence of Lars Vilk's work: As provocative physical debate posts with a hint of madness – and humour!
Eg. he once submitted himself as a work of art to a censored exhibition – however, he (or the work) was rejected.
But also behind Texts was reflection and deliberation. Here about language, since Lars Vilks himself formulated it about the work, that the barrier between man and nature is language, both the spoken and the written.
And why then? For Lars Vilks, it is about the fact that while language tries to create meaning and logic. On the other hand, 'being' itself lies outside the linguistic. It is *a breath of wind from a non-linguistic world*, as he poetically puts it. And it is precisely this distance between language and being, between reading and corporeality, that Textus referred to.
In this sculpture, the audience should have the opportunity to both bodies within the literal. The work was a result of the playful human imagination. Lars Vilks often returned to Textus to build further, until his hands were almost destroyed by the work. The pain was also part of the project!
Lars Vilks, born 1946 in Höganäs in Sweden. Artist and art historian with a doctorate from Lund University. As a cartoonist, he had a terrible place in the terrorist attack at the Krudttønden cultural center, Copenhagen, in February 2015. Lars Vilks was the target of the terror, as he had also contributed with Muhammad drawings.

Artist: Lars Vilks
Year: 1993
Lars Vilks, born 1946 in Höganäs in Sweden. Artist and art historian with a doctorate from Lund University. As a cartoonist, he had a terrible place in the terrorist attack at the Krudttønden cultural center, Copenhagen, in February 2015. Lars Vilks was the target of the terror, as he had also contributed with Muhammad drawings.