(no longer exists)
The English artist, Chris Drury, has contributed three works to the TICKON project over the years. His first, the Covered Cairn, was a wicker half-dome of willow and hazel around a small cairn of stone. Hazel branches formed the horizontal wreaths and the willows the other wickerwork.
Unfortunately, work on the half-dome began during a heat wave in April, so it was difficult to get the arrow to take root. And there were more problems, because the hazel wreaths rotted quickly and the park's sheep and deer munched on the willow hut's fresh shoots.
What remains is the small cairn and some willow trees which have grown large in the intervening years.
Chris Drury's intention with the Covered Cairn was initially to create a strict, architectural form, the dome, which became very evident especially in the winter covered with snow.
The artist's expectation was that this man-made order with nature's chaos strategy would change into a wild willow thicket. As such, his idea became a reality - albeit a little earlier than expected, because now only some of the willows that managed to take root remain. The cairn will also be found.

Artist: Chris Drurys
Year: 1993
Chris Drury is English, but born in Sri Lanka in 1948. Educated at the Camberwell School of Art in England. His preferred form is the dome, the half-dome, which he has experimented with in works of art all over the world. Sometimes he ends all traces of his works himself, so that they only exist in photos for posterity. At other times his semi-domes, which are often modeled on the stupas of the East, are allowed to remain standing. Such as. his work, Linden Cloud Chamber, I TICKON.